From event organisation to perfumery going though heritage clothing.

WP People is a project that brings together faces, stories, places and leaders. The faces of clothing enthusiasts, friends, collectors, customers and colleagues who over the years have researched, collected, worn, worn out and mended the most iconic garments of the WP brands. Garments that are by definition out of fashion but continue to resist frenetic and fickle market trends by signalling a distinct style that unites many, many clothing enthusiasts in one big family.


Luca Fisichella (@magnogaudiofirenze) ran his own communications and events agency for 25 years, working closely with WP Lavori in Corso until 2011. As time went by, he realised that his true vocation was perfumery, so he started on a 13-year path of study that culminated in a desire to open his own perfume workshop, “Magno Gaudio”, in Florence.

Luca wears a Filson Waterfowl Upland Jacket that he bought in 1992 as a customer and lover of the brand, and a rare Barbour x Tokito Shackleton Herringbone Tweed Jacket. This was his last purchase while working with WP before deciding to fully devote himself to his passion and profession as a perfumer.